I love PowerWebform – the add-on that easily creates webforms able to send data directly into Dynamics CRM (I still wonder why the feature is not a standard one UPDATED 2017: you can use VOC now, but I still prefer PowerWebform).

But creating a case was tricky

Recently I wanted the add-on to create a Case in CRM … but I struggled with why PowerWebform was not able to generate it as it normally was able to with all other entities.

The reason: you have to fill out “Customer” field on the case. And since it was a lookup you need to know the lookup trick which PowerObjects themselves describes in their user guide (find section Field Types and read about the hidden field):

  1. Create a dummy contact in CRM (I.e. “Customer NOT checked yet” and find its 36 character GUID
  2. Create a HIDDEN text field labelled the entity name (contact) in my case).
  3. Fill in the default value with the GUID of the dummy contact

Then you should be able to auto create cases in CRM.

Dynamics CRM for Outlook Plugin has a nice feature not used (or known) by many: You can easily send mails to CRM Leads or Contacts (or other e-mail enabled entities). Here is how:

Step 1: Make Outlook look into CRM contacts:

Open Outlook with CRM plugin already installed and configured. Head for File Menu and CRM and Options:

When option screen appears you should head for the Address Book tab

(in step 6 you specify which other entities you would like to select – including e-mail enabled custom entities).

Click OK to save your Personal Options

Step 2: Start using it!

Create a new e-mail in Outlook and click To in order to select CRM Contacts or Leads. In the Addressbook (adressekartotek in Danish) drop down you find the relevant CRM Entity to search for. You can also search from the search field when selected (but use first name).

That’s it!
